Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Quarter Life Crisis

Taken on my Twenty-Fifth Birthday.
One week ago I turned 25. It was the first birthday that I was not looking forward to (and I'm the type of person who gets super into holidays and birthdays, mine or anyone else's). So why not this year? Well, a part of it was the fact that I am currently living abroad and am away from most of my friends and family (but we'll get into that later). Mostly, the reason I wasn't digging turning the big two-five was because..."shit, I'm getting old." I know, I know your thinking you're only twenty-five you have so much life to live, you're young! Yes, I do realize there is much more life to live (God willing) and I'm not THAT old, though you should tell that to my aunt who on my birthday told me, "fuck, you're almost 30" and nearly put me into cardiac arrest. Not to mention a few months back when I found my very first grey hair, it was traumatic, I cried. But back to the point, no, twenty-five isn't that old but for the first time I feel as though I haven't accomplished or haven't "got it together" as much as I thought I would by now. I don't have a job, I'm living with my dad and have no potential prospects of a boyfriend let alone life partner of any kind. The only thing I am currently responsible for other than myself is my 2 year old lovable and epileptic French Bulldog, Baxter. 

Now before you go and write me off as a total loser,  I might be being a tad dramatic I have accomplished some amazing things in my twenty-five years. I have a Bachelor of Science in fashion merchandising graduating Magna Cum Laude. I have completed an internship at British Vogue, traveled to 7 different countries in Europe (a growing number), am currently studying in Greece to obtain a Master in strategic communication and public relations, I play on a first division women's soccer team in the Hellenic Football Association (GO Odysseas Glyfadas!) and its summer in Greece aka island hopping time! So I'm not a total wash! 

Baxter & I.
Nevertheless, I still feel a bit like I'm just wandering through life. And don't get me wrong, like I said this wandering is currently happening in a beautiful Mediterranean country and I can't really complain but I would like more definition or direction or lets say at least to be wandering with a purpose. So, in this day and age what does any sensible person do when in a position like mine? They blog. The Twenty-Fifth Year will document my thoughts and opinions, style tastes, musical sense and inspirations and lets not forget shameless selfies, food and pet pics, for no other reason than to just purposefully wander.

PS. Literally a minute after I hit the create blog button a man walked by wearing a t-shirt saying, "TAKE MORE RISKS" I'll take that as a sign and a send off!   xx